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Comfort fooood

11 Oct

Last night I made a chicken potpie. From scratch. I have been making chicken potpies for years but never from scratch. MBM LOVES my potpies so he worked a little later than usual and I took the opportunity to surprise him with a homemade potpie. And man! Was the little extra effort it took worth it?! You bet your butt it was!

Now, don’t get crazy… I did not make the pie crusts from scratch. I’m not a lunatic! Plus, I stink at making pie crusts. But the difference between frozen and fresh veggies, WHOA.

I followed this recipe but I used a rotissere chicken (it’s so good and juicy in a potpie, trust.) and I added some garlic to the liquid mixture and some poultry seasoning to the chicken and veggie mix. Comfort food to the max. Enjoy!
