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Dusk in the country

7 Nov

I took this picture last night around 530 pm. Slim and I were walking (after he calmed hisself down because he chased like 9 deer. Those dang deer.) down our road and with all the leaves falling, you can see the white bark of the Sycamore trees and I think it’s so beautiful. I was snapping photos and then I heard an owl. I kept scanning the trees for it but I couldn’t find it. Then all of a sudden, three owls took flight out of one of the sycamores!! They were huge and beautiful and slightly spooky. I mean, they scared me so much that I actually jumped. It was pretty awesome. Maybe one day I’ll be able to capture them on film but til then I’ll just enjoy my trees.

Daily gratitude: living away from city lights and weekly trips to the library.

Oh, deer.

28 Aug

I walk the Slim every single morning. Most of the time, we take our walk before we do anything else. No coffee. No dog food. No collar. No leash. Nothing but me and Slim and the great outdoors.


Today though, since my lunch was already packed and my hair wasn’t getting washed, we decided to snooze a little longer and snuggle a little more. (FYI: Slim Kayser Fiddle Vieux is the BEST snuggler/little spoon ever in the history of snugglers. Fo reals, son.) Then out the door we went! We see lots of things on these morning walks… Mainly cows and the neighbors cats, Comet and Nova. But Today! Oh, today, Slim made a new friend enemy frenemy. And I dubbed her Alice.

We were walking back to the house after dancing many “grass dances” and WHAM! Slim takes OFF, up the neighbors driveway… And then WHAM! There goes Alice and Frank (Alice’s deer friend) running because Slim has discovered their hiding place.


I let him carry on for a few minutes and then I start calling him. And calling him. And then WHAM! Here he comes flying down the driveway like a bat outta hell… With Alice hot on his trail! Yes, the deer was chasing the dog. It was a sight! She realized I was there, like the big bad mom that never let’s anyone have fun, and ran off into the trees that border the front yard. Now, I don’t know how many of you have ever been stalked by a deer, but it is equal parts eerie and hilarious.


And so there we were. Slim and Alice and yours truly. I decided to channel some Dr. Doolittle and talk to Alice. You know, to see how close I could get her to come to me. I didn’t call her Alice at the time just, hey lovely. And shut. The. Front. Freakin’. Door if she didn’t start walking toward me!!! And then Slim ruined this magic moment and she dashed off.

I hope Alice becomes a regular. But not sooo regular that she ends up on the dinner table.
